We seek to rescue and preserve the traditional foods of the Shawi community, focusing on the conservation of endangered Amazonian root and tuber seeds through the cultivation and planting of these species.
Nuevo Progreso and 10 de Agosto
Since August 2024
to the present
Ariadna Oliveri
Carol Zabaleta Cortijo
Rosa Silvera Ccallo
Valeria Morales Anicama
Guillermo Lancha Rucoba
Junior Chancharia Huiñapi
Manuel Pizango Tangoa
Nerita Inuma
Comunidad Nuevo Progreso
Comunidad 10 de agosto
The purpose of this alliance between Mater and Biokusharu, led by Carol Zavaleta along with members of an indigenous Shawi native community, is to preserve their identity through the recovery of cultivars and foods native to their culture and habitat. This initiative aims to enhance dietary diversity among the community while also creating opportunities for the commercialization of unique and important ingredients.
Explore the potential use of these ingredients in restaurants, both in liquid and culinary applications, and promote their knowledge, use, and consumption in Peru's gastronomy and hospitality sector through the creation of graphic materials, a seasonal calendar, and a catalog.
Promoting the Consumption of Amazonian Tubers
Our objective is to promote the knowledge, use, and consumption of these roots and tubers in Peru's gastronomy and hospitality sector, leveraging the transformative power of food and gastronomy.
The project takes a comprehensive approach, combining biodiversity conservation with gastronomy. It aims not only to rescue and preserve local foods but also to raise awareness of their cultural and nutritional value.
So far, the following ingredients have been cataloged: purple sachapapa, white sachapapa, marbled sachapapa, uwuyan, yawira, pink yuwira, white yuwira, manshan or aucapapa, and dale-dale.